"Beauty's where you find it..." - Madonna

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

EXCLUSIVE: Amy Winehouse Smoking Crack ~ Sun newspaper 22:1:08...

Amy Winehouse is all over today's Sun newspaper: caught smoking crack on top of having snorted lines of ecstasy/cocaine and having popped 6 Valium "to bring me down" (cushion the jagged after-effects of such a powerful stimulant cocktail)... This is the Sun newspaper's official footage (sound is cut to delete voice of the undercover reporter)... See here the *EXCLUSIVE* international *SCANDAL* for yourself...

Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Monday, 7 January 2008

Queen Noor of Jordan: Life in Pictures

She was King Hussein's fourth and last wife... American-born but half-Arab by blood, she became queen when they married in 1978, she was widowed when he died of nonhodgkins lymphoma in 1999...

Queen Noor of Jordan pleas for Peace in Iraq

From CNN:

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Liz Does A Nigella

Liz is my blogger friend from Wales: Nigella = Nigella Lawson, svelte TV chef and daughter of Britain's most famous Thatcherite Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance minister) ...

Такого как Путин Takogo kak Putin "You Must Be Like Putin"

This came out as a single, by a mysterious Russian girl group, just before Russia's last elections. The words tell how Putin is the ideal husband, lover and military leader... Vladmir Putin the Ideal Man! It has to be said: Putin is the highest-octane leader we have in the world today. Or to put it another way; the world's most charismatic dictator!