"Beauty's where you find it..." - Madonna

Monday, 24 September 2007

Miracle of Love - River Phoenix

if you're a teenage girl you'll REALLY like this... otherwise it makes a change from Annie Lennox and Dave Stewarts' dull visages!


Ingrid said...

I am not a "Teen"age girl but a "six"age girl and I love this song !! BTW my main blog is Writer Cramps you landed in my cat blog but since you live with a hamster I suppose you love cats too ! That poor Brittney badly needs psychological help, she behaves like a woman with post natal depressions.

Keshi said...

love it! ty!


Anonymous said...

Gattina do you know I had looked eVERyWHERE for your blog before - you popped up (and stilldo when I go bloghopping all OVER the place in friends of friends' blogs!) I was SURE you were in my own links and probably are but under a different heading to "best blogs I-VII"... I don't know... I will have a look at writer cramps again thanks for the tip!!

Keshi why did you sign yourself Ty? I am intrigued?

Anonymous said...

I have FOUR hamsters now! One Chinese called Yingyang or Yangyang and three Roborovskis who go by the names: Bashful, Spherical and Itchy!!